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논문 및 학술자료 내용시작

1. Biomechanical analysis analyzing association between bone mineral density and lag screw migration. Scientific reports, 2023.
2. Application of Multi-Layered Temperature-Responsive Polymer Brushes Coating on Titanium Surface to Inhibit Biofilm Associated Infection in Orthopedic Surgery. Polymers, 2022.
3. Comparison of Helical Blade Systems for Osteoporotic Intertrochanteric Fractures Using Biomechanical Analysis and Clinical Assessments. Medicina, 2022.
4. Impact of Capsulotomy on Hip Biomechanics during Arthroscopy. Medicina, 2022.
5. Driving Simulator Brake Reaction Parameters After Total Hip Arthroplasty According to Different Surgical Approaches. The journal of arthroplasty, 2022.
6. Clinical Outcome of V-Y Advancement Flap for Chronic Achilles Tendon Rupture. Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association, 2022.
7. Clinical Outcomes of Distraction Osteogenesis in Fourth Brachymetatarsia. Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association, 2022.
8. Qualitative Evaluation of YouTube Videos on Conservative Treatment after Ankle Sprain and Analysis of Correlation with Preference. Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association, 2022.
9. Implications of the Overlapping Degree Between Proximal Fibula and Tibia for Placing the Optimal Syndesmotic Screw: A Virtual Cadaveric Study. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, 2022.
10. Clinical and Radiologic Outcome of Intertrochanteric Fracture Treatment Using TFNA (Trochanteric Fixation Nail-Advanced). Journal of the Korean Fracture Society, 2021.
11. Perioperative Complications of the Modified Stoppa Approach for the Treatment of Pelvic Bone Fractures: A Single-Institution Review of 48 Cases. Journal of Trauma and Injury, 2021.

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